Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

Season II of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has ended for a while now, and we can now enjoy an additional 8 episodes of one of the most well known animes. (14 if you count the endless 8, but come on who does?) And now it's time for the 4th novel to go on the air, but instead of making another season they decided instead to make a film!

As we all know The Melancholy is based on a series of light novels written and created by Nagaru Tanigawa and Noizi Ito, and each season is based on a specific volume of the novels. But now the producers decided that instead of making a new season for the 4th novel they would tell the whole story in one sitting by making it into a film. The film is set to release in Japan on February 6th, 2010; it is unknown if a US release is scheduled. A bit of bad news though, the preferred director, Yutaka Yamamoto (director of episodes 1 and 12 of Season I, and the director Lucky Star and Kannagi), WONT be directing the film. Downer. Still it shouldn't drastically change the quality of the movie.
In the 4th novel, named The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Haruhi disappears from the school completely, and North High becomes a normal high school. Nagato, Ikutsuki, Mikuru, and even Ryoko are humans now. Kyon is the only one who notices that anything is different. Thanks to a clue left by Alien Nagato he finds out that he has been warped to another dimension. The story is that of Kyon trying to return things back to "normal". In the novel Kyon experiences time travel and interacts with the Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody storyline.
However, the film brings up a very interesting question: Is a film really the best option for advancing the storyline? A film would only be around 90 minutes long, a little over 3 episodes. The other novels have had well over 3 hours of air time to get all the major plot elements across, that's double the amount of time the film will have. Additionally: What items will be left out? It's a given that not everything will get covered, but what will get left out? Is this going to be like the Harry Potter films, where the producers have decided that anything that doesn't show Harry as an emotional teenager full of angst, no matter how important it is to the storyline, gets left out (3rd book: Gryffindor House Cup anyone?). Probably not, however one can never be too sure...

So, what are your thoughts? Are you completely psyched? Or did you just groan and curse the anime's popularity? Are you an avid fan, or is this too mainstream for you? Which do you prefer: the anime or the novels? Are you ready to see a blushing Nagato? And most importantly: which is better long hair or short hair Haruhi? Please share your ideas in the comments section

By the way, here are some fun pics i found:

These are movie related:




  1. Why did I watch that heater episode...?

    Well I've only seen the first season and as someone who's knowledge of anime comes from the days of Toonami and Dragon Ball Z, I really enjoyed it, though I really don't see whats wrong with it becoming mainstream as long as the quality doesn't decline( perhaps Paulman would like to explain...?)

    But the production values of the movie should get some awesome animation, hopefully without sacrificing too much, as you said, like in the Potter films.

    Nagoto's the best character by the way

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  4. Interesting. I never heard about this. Thank you for the update. I really hope they don't mess up the movie. The anime is great, though I am still watching the rest of the episodes. Haven't gotten that far. It would be best that they don't have to go to a lot of sacrifice to win an audience.

  5. Hey, the link's still up. oh shi-


