Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Draw: Robin

The Tutorial i found in a comic changed my life forever i shall share with you my experience. After this you will see life differently.

Step 1:
  • Start by drawing the basic oval for a head

Step 2:
  • Lightly sketch the guide lines for the eyes, nose, and mouth

Step 3:

  • Finish Sketch by adding the details


  1. I drew this picture following the steps as soon as i read this post. I came out exactly how it's supposed to. =p

  2. Dude the instructions are so precise but my drawing came out like batman XD

  3. okay, dude no offense but as a very very artistically challenged person you gotta give me more betweem steps 2 and 3. there is no way i can go from an oval and guide lines to BAM! the hair, mask, mouth, etc.
