Sunday, January 17, 2010

Beastiary Report # 2

Name: Goomba
Threat Level: Pathetically low
Special Abilities: None. Strength in numbers perhaps. Some possess flight capabilities.
Known Locations: The Mushroom Kingdom

Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Person Tetris

I was pretty disappointed that this wasn't from the view of a Tetris block, but it's still pretty awesome. Post your high scores!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Snake Charmer- If you know what I mean

This is in no way club related, but it makes me happy. Hopefully you enjoy it too.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Case Closed!

For all anime otakus (and otaku students alike), we are very lucky.

Fans of Funimation's Case Closed will have a movie released two weeks yesterday (for those who have a little trouble, January 19th). We can buy the DVD, and enjoy the anime goodness.
I will leave Funimation's Youtube for people to access, because it has their sneak peeks, their anime releases, anime, and updates on all things Funimation.

This is Bokochaos saying:
"Please, oh please, do not get bought out by Disney like Shonen Jump did, for the love of all things anime and manga."