Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Case Closed!

For all anime otakus (and otaku students alike), we are very lucky.

Fans of Funimation's Case Closed will have a movie released two weeks yesterday (for those who have a little trouble, January 19th). We can buy the DVD, and enjoy the anime goodness.
I will leave Funimation's Youtube for people to access, because it has their sneak peeks, their anime releases, anime, and updates on all things Funimation.

This is Bokochaos saying:
"Please, oh please, do not get bought out by Disney like Shonen Jump did, for the love of all things anime and manga."

1 comment:

  1. LOL Bokochaos~

    That's so true. I would so be pissed if Disney did that. To be honest, I'm a little scared.

    I love Case Closed. I used to watch that Anime all the time. It's one of the few REALLY LONG series that I actually enjoyed watching.

    I'll try to find it for you guys. Someone should be seeding that soon on IRC.

    You guys want Blu-Ray, right? ^_^
