Thursday, February 11, 2010

The 1st Generation

We all are talking about the 5th generation Pokemon and whether its real or not but lets go back a while to where it all started the 1st generation of PokemonMany of you wonder what is thislets not forget the first generation Pokemon

Let us just hope you all became pokemon masters by acquiring all of these Pokemon.


  1. In actuality, HeartGold and SoulSilver are gen IV, and will use the same data as Diamond Pearl Platinum series, only you get to see a few more things. I can't wait for the return of the stalker pokemon from yellow! You get to pick your stalker from 1-493!!!!! PLUS, WE ALL GET POKEMON PEDOMETERS AND CATCH(?) EXCLUSIVE WALKER POKEMON!!!

  2. actually, I think Norrin was talking about Gen 5

    -PS Gaffer
