Friday, December 4, 2009

Art Contest

Just here to remind you about the Art Contest that will be happening on our next meeting
There will be three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
There will also be a time limit of 15 minutes. Once the time is up, it UP!!!
You must also bring your own pencils, pens, erasers, and any other supplies!
*Paper will be Supplied!!!*
And the genre of your drawing or your creation can be anything you want!!!

Michael H. .
Dalton .
Joshua P.
Franpancho II
Steven Y.
Oscar V.
*The rules must be followed anybody that breaks them will be disqualified!!!*
No Perverted Nudity!!!
No Copyright (No Copying from someone else's work)!
Keep it PG-14!
No Pre-Made!
No 5 Second Effort!
*Board Members cannot vote for their own creation!*
*The rules must be followed anybody that breaks them will be disqualified!!!*
Best Overall (1st Place)
Most Creative
Most Comical
Most Original
Honorable Mentions
Who' A Winner?!
The winner will be chosen depending on the number of votes that their drawing receives. The Board Members will count as a whole and will be counted as one vote.
The voting will also be secret since it will consist of the drawing traveling around club members and they will write the drawings number or title on a category. These ballets will be counted and this will determine the winners.
What Should My Drawing Paper Look Like?
You paper should include:
Your Creation's title !
DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME!! The reason that I say this is because I don't want people to have a preference when they vote. They paper that will be provided will have a number and number will basically be your name! However, it's your responsibility to remember it.
Your drawing of course
The category or categories that you want to enter!
if you have time, a short description!
We will also be giving PRIZES!!! However, that will be a secret until the day we announce the winners. The people participate will also get a smaller gift!
If you have questions please leave a comment!!!


  1. im going to win the advanced tournament!!!

  2. "Perverted Nudity"

    Those two words should not be placed right next to each other.

    Coming from an Anime club, you guys are no strangers to the more erotic side of Anime, so why hate?

    Just "Nudity" is fine.


    PS. If you allow more time, I might join the Art Contest... 15 minutes seems like too little time. =[

  3. In response to Greenvirus:
    I think that "perverted" and "nudity" have an adjective to replace themselves. We all know what it is.
    Also, to everyone:
    Zeenya pulled me into it, so i just wasted my lunch for the hell of it, I really didn't have much to do.
