Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Break Club Celebration

Once again we have a semi-unanimous decision on the polls. Apparently quite a number of people would be willing to attend a club meeting over the break. Because of that the executive council has decided to organize a special meeting over the break; however the meeting will be more of a celebration, like a party (similar to the potluck)

The meeting/party will take place at a Shakey's (the location is still being decided) and everyone in the club is encouraged to attend. However it would be best if everyone brought some money ($10-15) in order to pay for all the food and play the games in the arcade. The meeting will take place sometime during the last week of winter break (the week of the 3rd to the 9th of January)

Stay tuned to the blog and the forums so you can get the info. If you have any questions or suggestions you can post them in the comments section of this post or post something in the forums


  1. What time?

    What will be doing? [Other than eating Pizza of course]

    Can we bring other people?

    Is this actually decided? [Who's actually going?]

    Please decide your location.

    Actually, I only see that 7 people would be willing to assist this activity. But naturally, since you're requiring money, people may be hesistant on going.

  2. 2:00-3:00 pm

    just hanging out... play games?

    whom would you bring? its like a club meeting, members can come but were not like checking every person. What we're trying to avoid are situations similar to those that arose during the Halloween activities and the potluck where we suddenly had a ton of people applying for membership.

    Its the shakey's that's located where Olympic and Fairfax meet, the exact location is

    6052 W Olympic Blvd
    Los Angeles, CA 90036
